Frequently Asked Questions:

WoAD (ᴡəʊd) rhymes with goad, load, road, and toad.

Some things that you should check are:

Yes. You can open the  WoAD Documentation by browsing to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fkcb-hmeYyJW-S9y-YB-roKwQQHnA41SoyHH8n1FZ0w. Select File... Download to download the documentation in one of several formats, including a PDF document.

To quote from chromium.org: "Unless specified elsewhere, all devices that launched in or after 2019 support Android Apps." The same page (Chrome OS Systems Supporting Android Apps) also provides a list of the Chromebooks, Chromeboxes, and Chromebases that were launched before 2019 that are able to install Android apps.

If you installed WoAD from the Google Play Store then to ensure you always have the most recent version, you need to sign up as a beta tester from within the Play Store. You can do this by:

Each new release of WoAD is generally first made available under the beta program. Only if it proves to be stable and without any significant bugs does it get released to those not in the beta program. This allows people to choose between having the latest features and known stability.