Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How is WoAD pronounced?

WoAD (ᴡəʊd) rhymes with goad, load, road, and toad.

  • When installing WoAD from the apk file I get the message: "Parse error: There is a problem parsing the package." What can I do?

Some things that you should check are:

  1. that the same or a newer version of WoAD is not already installed on your device

  2. that your device is running a version of Android that can support WoAD. The required minimum version of Android is given on the Download page

  3. that you have enabled 'Unknown Sources' or 'Install Unknown Apps' to allow sideloading of apps. Further details can be found here

  4. that the WoAD apk you downloaded is complete and not corrupted

  • Can I download the documentation as a PDF (Portable Document Format) file?

Yes. You can open the WoAD Documentation by browsing to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fkcb-hmeYyJW-S9y-YB-roKwQQHnA41SoyHH8n1FZ0w. Select File... Download to download the documentation in one of several formats, including a PDF document.